Bruguiera cylindrica  (L.) Blume.
Bruguiera cylindrica (L.) Blume. 

A true mangrove species 
Tall tree, upto 25 m high, perennial, evergreen, deliquiscent, woody, erect, branches haphazardly arranged,  bark deep black smooth, dark deep black to grey with few lenticels 
Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, exstipulate, petiole 2 - 4.5 cm long, terete but base slightly flattened. 
Leaves elliptic,  10 - 12 cm long x 4 - 5 cm broad, entire, rarely elliptical acute or bluntly pointed apex, angled, dorsiventral, coriaceous, unicostate, reticulate venation incospicuous. 
Inflorescence cyme, 3-flowered in each peduncle, peduncle long, terete, green, glabrous. 
Flower ebracteate, pedicellate,  0.8 - 1.2 cm long, greenish. 
Calyx tube very small smooth, 8 - 10 lobed,  Sepals 8 , polysepalous 
Corolla with 8 petals, polypetalous. 0.35 cm long 0.25 cm broad, slightly lobed 
Fruit berry, pendulous, persistent calyx, calyx lobes bent towards pedicel, hypocotyle upto 16 cm long, green slightly ridged, blunt end. Fruits upto 1.5 cm, obconical; fall with the hypocotyl seedling 
Seed germination epigeal, viviparous 

Economic Importance : Produce fire-woods and timber. The tannin content is 17.8%, usedl for tanning the fishermens nets and in leather industries.